Children are incredibly dynamic and complex. The rich inner world of a child is a miracle to behold, but it can also be extremely difficult to understand. Early childhood, which is defined as the period between ages 3 and 8, presents numerous challenges and milestones that affect a child’s entire life.
From early attachment to social skills and cognitive reasoning, children are undergoing a wide array of physical and psychological challenges. To help them get the best possible start in life, we offer children’s counseling services that promote wholeness, healing and growth.

Child Play Therapy
“Play is a child’s work and it is not trivial pursuit” – Alfred Adler
From behavioral problems to developmental delays, we understand the complex and vast array of difficulties a child may face in their formative years. Although they may lack the ability to articulate themselves like adults, children have their own special ways of letting us know exactly how they feel.
Children’s counseling approaches a child at their own level, giving them a safe and welcoming outlet to express themselves. Through play and creativity, child counselors strive to interpret a child’s true feelings and help them overcome any difficulties they might be facing.
Child Play Therapy
Children are naturally equipped with the ability to learn and evolve from their environment. While they are capable of feeling all of the same emotions we do, children often lack the verbal ability or appropriate vocabulary to express themselves in conversation.
Play therapy uses toys, art and stimulating activities to help a child express their inner-most thoughts and emotions. Children who have been through traumatic or difficult life events can utilize play as a safe way to process and release pent-up emotions. A child’s therapist understands how to translate a child’s play style and guide them through a narrative that promotes strength, resilience and healing.
Benefits of Counseling for Children
Therapy can help children overcome bullying, recover from loss, work through trauma and grief, and improve their behavior. Those who have developmental delays or conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder can build important skills in an environment that is uplifting and supportive. To learn more about our children’s counseling services and how they can help your child, reach out to us today.