Caring Heart Counseling - Virtual Counseling - 2 (1) 27 Mar 2020
Virtual Counseling
Virtual Counseling in Denver, Colorado

Have you ever wanted to talk to a therapist but been too nervous to go to one’s office? Maybe you’d love to go to counseling but there aren’t any therapists near you, or commuting to appointments is out of the question or your budget. Virtual counseling makes it possible for us to connect with you wherever you are. All you need is an internet connection to get help and support from a licensed therapist.

What Is Virtual Counseling?

Individual counseling is usually done face-to-face in an office, but many people are unable to attend in-person sessions. Others may just feel uncomfortable speaking to a therapist at an office, so they find it more comfortable to first start therapy online.

Aside from meeting virtually, our sessions will be held with the same compassion, integrity and care that we give to all of our clients. We will talk about what you’re currently feeling, address any concerns or struggles you might be facing and work through it together. Our goal is to make therapy as accessible as possible for you, which means finding a good time and the right online environment to make you feel as comfortable as possible.

When you schedule an appointment with one of our counselors, we will first talk via phone or email and decide which type of video chatting platform works best for you. We meet with clients online using Hippa compliant platforms.

Benefits of Virtual Therapy

There are numerous reasons why you may decide virtual therapy is best for you. Some of the greatest reasons we are happy to offer this service are:

  • •  Improved communication
  • •  Conflict resolution
  • •  Empathy and understanding for one another
  • •  Recovery from traumatic events
  • •  Better boundaries and rules
  • •  Greater respect and support among members

You may decide that you like working with our therapists online and want to transition to meeting at our office. You could also decide that virtual therapy is perfect for you and continue that way as long as you wish to receive our services. Either way, we want to make sure that you always feel like help is available and accessible whenever you need it.

Getting Through the Coronavirus Online Counseling

The 2020 coronavirus has caused many of our lives to stop in place. Your mental health may be harder to manage without a structured routine, whether you’re working from home, have been laid off or are in quarantine. All of the fears, anxiety and depression from the coronavirus are understandable; you don’t have to feel embarrassed, ashamed or weak for feeling overwhelmed.

We are here to help you manage health and general anxiety, depression, stress and any other difficult challenges you might be dealing with. Contact us today to learn more about what we offer and to schedule your first appointment.

Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about family counseling or would like to get started, please give us a call at 303-429-5099 or click the button below. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your families’ needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors. If we can’t get you connected with just the right therapist for you, we will do everything we can to resource you so you can find what you are looking for. We simply aren’t competitive.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors

Caring Heart Counseling - Counseling Specialties - Individual Counseling - Feature Image 15 Sep 2018
Individual Counseling

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We’re all faced by different challenges in life, and our unique upbringings and experiences will impact how we respond to them. Some of us will be able to naturally face obstacles head-on, while others may struggle to get over things that happened years ago.

Then, there are certain times where we face a particularly difficult situation and could use someone’s guidance to overcome it. Individual counseling spans far beyond mental illness. While there are many types of therapy to treat depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders, individual counseling is something that can benefit everyone.

What Is Individual Counseling?

Individual counseling is a type of psychotherapy that involves working one-on-one with a licensed therapist. The exact type of therapy and exercises you practice will vary, but all forms of individual counseling share some common elements.

  • • A relationship with a counselor that you can trust.
  • • A non-judgemental environment to openly share your thoughts and feelings.
  • • Compassion and commitment from your therapist.
  • • Opportunities to set goals and customize your experience.

Our primary goal during counseling is to make sure that you receive a safe, uplifting and affirming environment. Whether you are seeking general guidance or trying to manage symptoms of a mental illness, we are committed to providing you the resources and support you need to grow and thrive.

What Happens in Therapy?

The majority of individual counseling involves discussing your thoughts, feelings and experiences with one of our therapists. Because of this, you may often see counseling referred to as talk-therapy.

A common depiction of talk-therapy shows a therapist analyzing everything that a client says in hopes of revealing a deeply hidden inner truth. While that happens in psychoanalysis, the heart of modern talk-therapy is all about giving you a comforting and open environment to sound off, while being deeply understood and validated. In therapy, you will work with your counselor to develop healthy habits, learn how to make the best decisions for you and identify goals that empower you.

Types of Therapy

There are many forms of therapy that can take place in individual counseling. Most therapists have preferred techniques, but you may find a counselor draws upon different models depending on the problems that their clients are dealing with. Some of the most common types of therapy include:

  • • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • • Internal Family Systems (IFS)
  • • Somatic/Body-centered Counseling
  • • Trauma-informed therapies
  • • Couple and Family counseling
  • • Substance abuse counseling
  • • Mindfulness-based therapies

Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about individual counseling or would like to get started, please give us a call at 303-429-5099 or click the button below. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors.

If we can’t get you connected with just the right therapist for you, we will do everything we can to resource you so you can find what you are looking for. We simply aren’t competitive.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors

Caring Heart Counseling - Counseling Specialties - Counseling for Children - Feature Image 14 Sep 2018
Counseling for Children
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Children are incredibly dynamic and complex. The rich inner world of a child is a miracle to behold, but it can also be extremely difficult to understand. Early childhood, which is defined as the period between ages 3 and 8, presents numerous challenges and milestones that affect a child’s entire life.

From early attachment to social skills and cognitive reasoning, children are undergoing a wide array of physical and psychological challenges. To help them get the best possible start in life, we offer children’s counseling services that promote wholeness, healing and growth.

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Child Play Therapy
“Play is a child’s work and it is not trivial pursuit” – Alfred Adler

From behavioral problems to developmental delays, we understand the complex and vast array of difficulties a child may face in their formative years. Although they may lack the ability to articulate themselves like adults, children have their own special ways of letting us know exactly how they feel.

Children’s counseling approaches a child at their own level, giving them a safe and welcoming outlet to express themselves. Through play and creativity, child counselors strive to interpret a child’s true feelings and help them overcome any difficulties they might be facing.

Child Play Therapy

Children are naturally equipped with the ability to learn and evolve from their environment. While they are capable of feeling all of the same emotions we do, children often lack the verbal ability or appropriate vocabulary to express themselves in conversation.

Play therapy uses toys, art and stimulating activities to help a child express their inner-most thoughts and emotions. Children who have been through traumatic or difficult life events can utilize play as a safe way to process and release pent-up emotions. A child’s therapist understands how to translate a child’s play style and guide them through a narrative that promotes strength, resilience and healing.

Benefits of Counseling for Children

Therapy can help children overcome bullying, recover from loss, work through trauma and grief, and improve their behavior. Those who have developmental delays or conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder can build important skills in an environment that is uplifting and supportive. To learn more about our children’s counseling services and how they can help your child, reach out to us today.

Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about counselor or play therapy, give us a call at 303-429-5099 or click the button below. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors

Caring Heart Counseling - Counseling Specialties - Adolescent Counseling - Feature Image 13 Sep 2018
Adolescent Counseling
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Growing up is one of the most bewildering and incredible periods of a person’s life. As a teenager, you may feel out-of-place and unsure of who you are. There are many things you might want to do or dream of, but going after them and achieving your goals is scary. For parents of adolescents, knowing how to be supportive while respecting your teen’s independence can feel impossible.

Conflict is common during adolescence; teens are eager to take control of their lives and start making big decisions for themselves. Parents may feel left out, disrespected and even afraid for their child. Both sides must understand one another, and adolescent counseling can be an incredible tool during this exciting and complex time.

What Is Adolescent Counseling?

Teenagers may often feel like they are stuck in an uncomfortable position between childhood and young adulthood. During adolescence, emotions run high, and it can be difficult to handle the rush of feelings and thoughts that have never come up before. Many people have their first experience with anxiety and depression as teenagers. Sometimes, adults write off adolescents’ feelings as “just being a teenager,” but their emotions and thoughts should be respected and taken seriously.

Adolescent counseling helps teenagers build confidence, learn life skills and adopt healthy habits that will carry them into young adulthood. Teen therapy can also be pivotal in resolving many of the common problems teenagers face including substance abuse, family conflict, bullying, peer pressure and academic struggles.

Is Adolescent Counseling Right for My Teen?

If you have been struggling to connect with your teenager, counseling can help. You may feel like they’ve completely shut you out, or they could be exhibiting behaviors that deeply concern you and drive a wedge between the family. Adolescent counseling can help families reunite and heal while learning to respect and understand one another more.

Therapy can help your teenager address many common problems including:

  • • Mood swings or low mood
  • • Anxiety
  • • Depression
  • • Eating disorders
  • • Substance abuse
  • • Behavioral changes
  • • School problems
  • • Disrespect and defiance
  • • Insomnia
  • • Loss of interest in activities
  • • Changes in personality
The most important thing to remember is that therapy is designed to heal a family, not fix a teenager. We do not believe that anyone needs to be repaired or that they are broken. Instead, it is our belief that some adolescents simply need more love and guidance to find themselves as they grow.
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Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about adolescent counseling or would like to get started, please give us a call at 303-429-5099 or click the button below. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors

Caring Heart Counseling - Counseling Specialties - Parent Coaching - Feature Image 12 Sep 2018
Parent Coaching
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Parenting Advice & Direction

There is nothing more challenging, heart-wrenching, awe-inspiring and rewarding than being a parent. The act of bringing another human being into this world and watching them evolve into their own individual is a blessing, but it can also cause us to become painfully aware of our own shortcomings and unresolved traumas.

While there is no such thing as a perfect parent, there are ways to improve yourself and become the type of mother or father your child deserves. Building upon your strengths, growing from your weaknesses and learning how to parent with humor and humility is all a part of the Caring Heart Counseling parent coaching services.

What Is Parent Coaching?

Loving your children might be instinctual, but parenting takes effort, patience and commitment. You have more than a responsibility to your child; as a parent, you have a responsibility to yourself to constantly improve and evolve emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Coaching helps you learn how to turn your own transformative journey into lessons for your children. Rather than focusing solely on your role as a mother or father, we want to help you nurture your identity and draw upon your greatest assets to parent your children.

Parent coaching involves working one-on-one with a therapist to navigate all of the ups and downs that come with raising children. You will find acceptance, guidance and support that allow you to freely express all of the struggles you face, including the ones you may be too ashamed or embarrassed to voice with others.

The Goal of Parent Coaching

Parent coaching puts the person first; your own feelings and needs are at the core of counseling, which can be an immensely rewarding experience for those who often feel like their own wants and needs are cast aside to tend to their family.

Many different topics can be discussed throughout parent coaching including how to strike a work-life balance, discipline, conflict resolution, bonding, child development and self-care. By investing in yourself, you are putting in the work and effort necessary to become a more understanding, patient and involved parent. You may never truly have all the answers, but that is okay.

The Benefits of Parent Coaching

Parent coaching can help you accept the imperfection in all of us and learn to embrace it in yourself and your children. We strive to meet you where you are and provide support and compassion where you need it most. We want to comfort and guide you through all of the hardships and celebrate the little things.

We would love to help you on your parenting journey. To learn more about our parent counseling and coaching services, contact Caring Heart Counseling in Denver today.

Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about parent coaching or would like to get started, give us a call at 303-429-5099 or click the button below. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors

Caring Heart Counseling - Counseling Specialties - Family Counseling - Feature Image 11 Sep 2018
Family Counseling
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Family therapy helps families overcome difficult events or challenges together. Every individual is valued, respected and recognized as an important part of the family unit, but sometimes, it can be difficult to understand how each role should function. Boundaries may become blurred, especially among families that are merged or have experienced a loss.

Counseling for families can involve everything from addressing financial hardship to moving on from the death of a parent, child or close relative. If there are mental health concerns for one or multiple members of the family, therapy can provide guidance and support that helps both the affected individual and their loved ones find positive solutions.

The ultimate goal of family therapy is to reduce conflict, build trust and respect and create harmony and healthy connection.

What Is Family Therapy?

Family therapy helps parents, siblings and other close members work through relational and environmental stress. Children or teenagers may have behavioral issues that are causing stress and conflict throughout the entire unit; parents may be working through separation and divorce, or there could be a new step-parent who is unsure of their role in the new family unit.

A licensed family and marriage therapist (LMFT) leads the sessions, which typically occur once per week and last for 60 to 90 minutes. Most family therapy counseling sessions last between nine to 10 sessions, though some more complicated cases may benefit from a longer therapeutic relationship.

The therapist may also offer individual counseling to family members to help them overcome personal challenges, treat their mental health and become the best versions of themselves.

Benefits of Family Therapy

During your first session with one of our expert counselors, we will discuss the problems you’re facing and define goals for counseling. Ultimately, the solutions we develop together will help every member of the family feel acknowledged, understood and valued. When we learn to address problems, not people, we can build trust and resolve conflict without damaging relationships.

Some of the most positive outcomes families experience are:

  • •  Improved communication
  • •  Conflict resolution
  • •  Empathy and understanding for one another
  • •  Recovery from traumatic events
  • •  Better boundaries and rules
  • •  Greater respect and support among members
Is Family Counseling Right for You?

There are many unique reasons why families may go to therapy. If you would like to learn more about our family counseling services, contact us today at 303-429-5099 or request an appointment on our website. We can discuss your family’s challenges and decide if our practice is the best choice for you. If not, we will do everything we can to provide the necessary resources your family needs to heal, grow and flourish.

Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about family counseling or would like to get started, please give us a call at 303-429-5099 or click the button below. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your families’ needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors. If we can’t get you connected with just the right therapist for you, we will do everything we can to resource you so you can find what you are looking for. We simply aren’t competitive.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors

Caring Heart Counseling - Counseling Specialties - Couples Counseling - Feature Image 2 (1) 10 Sep 2018
Couples Counseling
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Being in love is one of the most incredible feelings in the world, but love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship. Many couples find themselves lost in themselves as they try to be there for one another; unresolved trauma from the past, fear, insecurity, jealousy and mental illness can all stop a relationship from thriving.

The goal of marriage and couples counseling is not to find fault or blame; instead, a therapist works with the couple to help them reconnect with one another, work together as a team to solve problems and learn how to take ownership of their feelings without creating distance between them.

What Happens in Couples Therapy?

A counselor will help you and your partner by learning about you both as individuals and a couple. Your first session will be all about establishing a relationship with one of our counselors and setting the focus of your therapy. You, your partner and the therapist should all be on the same page and agree upon your goals for treatment.

Each person will be given an opportunity to express themselves without being judged for their feelings. Couples who are struggling with conflict, trying to overcome infidelity or other differences need to learn how to express their thoughts and emotions openly.

The therapist will act as both a guide and mediator; their role is to help you both see one another’s point of view. The greatest barriers to vulnerability is fear; insecure attachment styles, mental illness and insecurity are all topics that may be addressed as you strive to overcome fear through love, patience and honesty.

Finding Solutions to Your Biggest Problems

Couples who find themselves always fighting over the same issues, ignoring problems or struggling with physical intimacy can find freedom through therapy. Ending the constant cycle of avoidance and conflict is key to reconnecting and growing together.

Our therapists want to help you both recognize your worth as individuals; what you contribute to the relationship is the foundation of your love, and every partner needs to see their own worth. Couples counseling helps partners learn how to compromise and face their fears together.

Building a Healthy Future

Couples who are recently engaged, newly married or considering taking their relationship to the next level can also benefit from couples counseling. As a couple, you can prepare for future challenges and avoid taking on any unhealthy responsibilities or developing unfair expectations. Together, you can lay the framework for a healthy, loving and supportive relationship that encourages you to grow together and as individuals.

Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about couples counseling or would like to get started, give us a call at 303-429-5099 or click the button below. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors

Caring Heart Counseling - Counseling Specialties - LGBTQ+ Gender Identity - Feature Image 09 Sep 2018
LGBTQ+ & Gender Identity
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Please stay tuned… We are working on writing informative content for this page. Please check back a latter date for more information. Caring Heart Counseling provides affordable counseling to LGBTQ+ individuals and couples in the Denver metro area and across the front range. Please contact us for more infmoration.

Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about LGBTQ+ counseling or would like to get started, please give us a call at 303-429-5099 or click the button below. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors. If we can’t get you connected with just the right therapist for you, we will do everything we can to resource you so you can find what you are looking for. We simply aren’t competitive.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors

Caring Heart Counseling - Counseling Specialties - Divorce Counseling - Feature Image 08 Sep 2018
Divorce Counseling
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Divorce care is a process. In this we seek to provide a safe place for you, and others connected to you, in the aftermath of the process of divorce.

Divorce is never a simple and pleasant experience, even in the most cordial cases we are torn at our core and left with many questions and unresolved issues that we seem to somehow be stuck with. In the aftermath of divorce, no matter how hard we may have tried and no matter how well may even have done, we seem to be left with no guarantee as to what is next or who we now are.

As a result, in the wake of the loss, we can find ourselves hurt and conflicted, longing and hoping for what we are not quite sure of. Here in this space we want to help. We want to walk with you through the process of rebuilding and restoring what was lost, and even at times what was destroyed.

None of us ever get married in hopes to get divorced yet divorce in many cases is very common and at times necessary, yet the scars remain. Let us help with the pain and the affects of all that you have gone through and may Divorce Care be the start of your therapeutic journey, one in which you will learn, grow, and transform in ways that may be hard to even comprehend at this stage in your life.

Contact Us for More Information

If you have questions about divorce counseling or would like to get started, please give us a call at 303-429-5099. We want to talk to you about your situation and see if your needs fit the focus of one of our contract counselors.

Schedule your first appointment with one of our
compassionate contract counselors