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5 Bad Habits to Change in the New Year
Counseling for the LGBTQ Community in Denver, Colorado
As 2022 begins, many people find themselves resolving to do something new. However, it can be equally valuable to think about what not to do in the new year. While there is never a wrong time to change your life, the new year offers an inspiring starting point for us to make bigger changes and commit to new goals.
These five bad habits can help you enjoy a more peaceful, connected and rewarding 2022. If you think that getting over them is difficult, don’t worry. At Caring Heart Counseling, we’re always here to help you make meaningful changes in your life.
1. Overworking Yourself
No more skipping breaks, doing unpaid work or pushing yourself too hard. Your job should work for you just as much as you work for it; overworking may be a sign of perfectionism, anxiety or even an avoidance strategy for depression. Working too much can also cause serious health effects you don’t have to suffer. Rather than avoiding problems through your work, think about how a better balance could lead to a fuller life overall.
2. Giving in to Self-Doubt
Whether it’s not meeting new people or shutting down an idea, 2022 is the year to let go of self-doubt. Everyone feels insecure from time to time, but chronic self-doubt can keep you trapped somewhere you don’t want to be for years at a stretch. What ways is self-doubt stopping you from living the way you truly want?
3. Skipping Exercise
Exercise is great for mental health, even if it’s just 10 minutes a day to start. Make it a priority to move your body, connect with your environment and give yourself a break from screens. Routine exercise improves energy levels, can lower anxiety, ease depression, reduces stress and improves sleep, just to name a few benefits.
5. Delaying Your Own Happiness
How many times can you forgive someone only to get hurt again? A lot of us mistake forgiveness for new chances, but in reality, forgiveness is something we do for ourselves. Healing from trauma means letting go of hurt while asserting new boundaries that protect our emotional and mental well-being. If you have a tendency to let old friends, family and ex-partners into your life, only to wind up hurt again, this is the year to learn the blessing of healthy boundaries.
4. Giving People Too Many Chances
I’ll be happy when I have a better job. I’ll be happy when I find someone to be with. I’ll be happy when I finally move. While our goals can motivate us, they can also cause us to delay happiness and miss out on living in the here and now. Rather than putting happiness on a pedestal, consider learning mindfulness, practicing gratitude and finding contentment in the little things.
If you want to kickstart 2022 on a high note with a bit of help, Caring Heart Counseling is here for you. From making big changes to healing from the past, our skilled, compassionate counselors are eager to meet you. Please contact us today to schedule your next virtual therapy session.

BY: admin
Counseling for the LGBTQ Community in Denver, Colorado
Counseling for the LGBTQ Community in Denver, Colorado
As someone who identifies as LGBTQ, you deserve a therapist who understands the complex emotions and struggles you experience. The LGBTQ population is twice as likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and other mental health problems. As therapists, we believe it is our duty to provide the highest quality of care, compassion and acceptance to anyone, especially those who are coping with unique challenges related to their sexual orientation and gender identities.
At Caring Heart Counseling, we provide LGBTQ counseling in Denver, Colorado, and its surrounding areas that accepts everyone for who they are and meets them exactly where they are in their personal journey.
Why We Need LGBTQ Therapy
While LGBTQ people deserve to be acknowledged for who they are, not who they love, we also believe their identities should be openly celebrated. Many people attempt to be inclusive by ignoring a person’s identity altogether, but this can feel just as harmful as discrimination.
If you are currently questioning, you may be secretly wondering how your orientation or gender could impact your career, family and relationship. While this is a highly personal matter , you don’t have to work through it alone.
Caring Heart Counseling offers confidential therapy for LGBTQ people at all walks of life and stages of self-discovery. Whether you are thinking about coming out to your family or want to transition as a transgender person, we are here to listen and support you.
LGBTQ Mental Health Challenges We Treat
There are so many unique challenges that an LGBTQ person faces; some of them leave lasting scars that may never fully be forgotten. That doesn’t mean you can heal, grow and find happiness as exactly who you are. Living the life you want, even if you don’t fully understand what that looks like yet, starts with acceptance.
Some of the issues LGBTQ people face need to be addressed from a perspective that understands the role your gender and sexuality play in your life. These include:
- • Trauma from homophobia, transphobia, discrimination and abuse.
- • Rejection from friends, family or peers.
- • Homelessness and housing insecurity.
- • Substance abuse as a coping mechanism for depression and anxiety.
- • Thoughts of suicide and struggles with self-harm.
- • Fear of judgment and lack of understanding.
Virtual marriage counseling helps couples meet their needs on their own time. We’ll work by your schedule, so you’re always able to attend therapy when it works for both of you. If you decide that our virtual sessions are beneficial, you can also always decide to transfer and see us in person, too.
Therapy for Everyone
We believe therapy should be accessible to everyone regardless of their employment status, income level or any other criteria. We currently accept Anthem BlueCross Blue Shield, Aetna and Medicaid insurance. That’s why we provide flexible payment options. Even if you don’t have insurance, we may be able to work out a payment arrangement that works for your budget.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, even if you’re worried you can’t afford therapy. We are here to work with you and get you the help you need.
We Are Here When You Need Us
Please contact us at Caring Heart Counseling to learn more about our Denver counseling services. We are happy to answer any questions you have and get to know you. If we are not the right fit, then we will do everything we can to help you find the perfect therapist for you.
Our job is to make sure you have a safe space to be seen, heard and validated for exactly who you are. Our LGBTQ therapy is open to everyone, and we are always just a call or message away.
Contact us now at 720.314.7378, or contact us to send us a message.

BY: admin
8 Great Tips for Couples Counseling in Denver, Colorado
8 Great Tips for Couples Counseling in Denver, Colorado
Couples counseling is a place where partners can stand on neutral ground and learn to see each other in a different light. Whether you’ve been struggling against a negative cycle for years or only recently started having trouble, we offer couples counseling services for everyone in Denver, Colorado and beyond!
Below are some of our best tips for couples struggling in their relationship. These can help you learn how to communicate better, reconnect and honor the bond that you’ve built together.
1. Set Some Ground Rules
First and foremost, there have to be boundaries in every relationship. A lack of boundaries from either partner leads to an ongoing pattern of pain. Left unvoiced and unforgiven, this leads to a build-up of resentment and even attempts to get “revenge” on one another.
Openly set rules for your communication. What types of words can you use? What is off-limits? How should you speak to each other? What volume of your voice indicates it’s time to step back, no questions asked?
Ground rules help you operate from a place of respect, and they establish the safety and security couples need to be authentic and vulnerable with one another.
2. Mindfully Practice Intimacy
You may feel distanced from your partner but not know how to bridge the gap. If you’ve been together for a while, it’s natural for physical intimacy and its many expressions to change. In some cases, it may disappear altogether. Let your partner know that you miss them and want to feel close to them again.
Start practicing mindful acts of intimacy, like holding hands, hugging more and cuddling each night. If sex is an issue in your relationship, have an honest conversation about what you would like and what your partner needs from you.
3. Ask What Your Partner Needs
So many of us run in circles trying to please our partners, all the while never really asking what they expect from us in the first place. If you aren’t voicing your needs to your partner, how can you get angry when they don’t fulfill them? You may also be asking too much from a partner, expecting them to meet needs that really need met by yourself.
In any relationship, being open about your needs and desires builds trust and fosters intimacy. It is fundamental to keeping your connection open and staying in sync with one another.
4. Address Personal Issues
If you struggle with pain from past relationships, childhood trauma or mental illness, it can drastically impact your relationship. You may feel guilty for subjecting your partner to your problems, or you could rely too heavily on them instead of healing yourself.
Be honest about your struggles, and reach out to a therapist who can help. In addition to couples counseling, individual therapy is a wonderful way to heal and grow.
5. Schedule Counseling
We offer in person as well as virtual couples counseling to help partners work through challenges when it’s most convenient for them. Scheduling an appointment with a trained therapist can be the start of a new chapter in your relationship. Having a neutral third-party guide you through issues can be the doorway you need for lasting positive change.
6. Remember to Have Fun
Relationships are meant to be fun. Your partnership should be a source of amusement, joy and positivity in your life. Between parenthood, work and other responsibilities, many partners forget that they are also meant to be friends. Start doing things you love just because you can; that’s what being in love is all about.
7. Stop Trying to “Win”
When you have a mindset focused on “winning” arguments, you immediately distance yourself from your partner. Instead of feeling like a unified team, it’s you versus them. Seeing each other as an opponent to defeat never leads to a positive outcome. Instead of trying to be right, shift your mindset to asking how you can both be happy.
8. Learn to Honor Your Partner’s Story
One of the biggest hurdles in a relationship comes from accepting the fact your partner is not who you want them to be. The beauty of this struggle is that you can learn to finally love and accept them for who they truly are and vice-versa. From their childhood to past relationships, there are many pieces of your partner’s story that have shaped them into who they are today.
A healthy relationship encompasses each person’s whole story without erasing any parts of their unique identities. By honoring your partner’s past, you become more accepting and receptive in the present.
Connect With a Couples Therapist in Denver, CO
Healing your relationship requires healing yourself, too. There will be both highs and lows in your journey together, and the right strategies can help you celebrate the good times more fully and grow through your challenges.
To learn more about our services or schedule a couples counseling appointment, please contact us or call us at 720.314.7378.

BY: admin
Couple Counselling / Virtual Counseling
Virtual Marriage Counseling for Conifer, Colorado Couples
Virtual Marriage Counseling for Conifer, Colorado Couples
Every couple has their fair share of challenges, but if yours are causing issues in your marriage, counseling may be able to help. While there are unique experiences in every relationship, marriage counseling and couples therapy are built from years of study about healthy partnerships. With the guidance of a therapist, you and your spouse can begin to heal from lingering anger, forgive and build a happier, fuller life together.
Reasons to See a Marriage Counselor
When you start to feel sick, it’s natural to go to the doctor. You don’t wait until you need hospitalization. The same logic applies to marriage counseling. Your relationship does not have to be on the rocks and on the brink of divorce for you to seek therapy. Instead, counseling is an incredibly powerful tool for couples to use. Even healthy couples may see a therapist to learn to communicate better and love each other more fully.
Some of the reasons we work with married couples include conflict resolution, trust issues, supporting a partner’s mental illness, intimacy problems and recovering from infidelity. There may also be distance between married couples after major life changes, like starting a new job or having children. Learning to parent together can be an exhausting journey, so it’s important to prioritize your relationship as a couple, too.
Virtual Marriage Counseling in Conifer
We offer virtual marriage counseling to make our couples therapy more accessible and convenient. You may not always find it possible to coordinate your schedules and see a therapist in person. Many couples also feel anxious about visiting a therapist in person, so they put off counseling altogether. Meeting virtually allows us to meet on your time, in your most comfortable environment. Being in your own home when we meet can also make you feel more at ease during our sessions; this opens the door for greater honesty and growth with the guidance of your counselor.
Some of the ways we help couples through virtual counseling are:
- • Learning how to listen to each other better.
- • Setting and asserting healthy boundaries in the relationship.
- • Conflict resolution, forgiveness and healing.
- • Building greater intimacy and trust.
Virtual marriage counseling helps couples meet their needs on their own time. We’ll work by your schedule, so you’re always able to attend therapy when it works for both of you. If you decide that our virtual sessions are beneficial, you can also always decide to transfer and see us in person, too.
Learn More or Book a Session Today
If you would like to book a couples counseling session with one of our marriage and family therapists, please click the link below. You can also call us at 303-429-5099. We’ll reach out and discuss your reasons for seeking therapy and decide which of our counselors is the right fit for you and your partner. There is no cost for consultation, and we will break down exactly what our therapy could do for you before committing to any plan. We are here to serve.

BY: admin
Counseling / Virtual Counseling
Virtual Addiction Counseling for Black Hawk, Colorado
Virtual Addiction Counseling for Black Hawk, Colorado
Living with an addiction can feel like a prison. But you are not limited to rehabs and therapy sessions forever. Sometimes, the most powerful way to get treatment is to get counseling exactly where you are. This is where virtual counseling comes into play.
While virtual counseling does not replace a detox center or drug or alcohol rehab program, it can be a valuable tool on your path to recovery. Drinking and gambling are common struggles among residents in Black Hawk, CO, but they do not have to control your life forever.
Signs of a Gambling Addiction
Gambling can be fun, but it is designed to be addictive. The same logic that goes into manufacturing casinos is applied in video games. The goal for the business is to earn as much money as possible, which means they need a system built to keep people paying and playing.
While visiting the casino may not be a problem alone, it can quickly lead to a gambling addiction for many people. Even if you never had an addiction in your life, gambling causes a dopamine feedback loop that anyone can fall victim to.
If you’re worried that you gamble too much, here are some signs of compulsive gambling to watch out for:
- • Hiding your gambling from your spouse, friends or family.
- • Struggling to control your gambling.
- • Overspending or going into debt to gamble.
- • Loved ones bring up your gambling.
- • Drinking, smoking or taking drugs while gambling or to cope with the stress of playing.
Signs of a Drinking Problem
How much alcohol is too much? People build up a physical tolerance for alcohol the more they drink, but your body’s limit isn’t the only way to judge your consumption. Drinking too often can be just as harmful as drinking heavily. When your options for going out are limited to bars, casinos or restaurants that serve alcohol, you may find yourself naturally drifting to alcohol as a way to ease boredom.
Alcohol addictions can be so severe that a person winds up losing their job and family to support their habit, but that is not always the case. Anyone can suffer from an alcohol addiction, and it may be something they keep secret from others.
Warning signs of an alcohol use disorder include:
- • Struggling to control how much you drink.
- • Drinking more during the day or alone.
- • Spending a lot of money on alcohol.
- • Drinking despite physical, mental and social consequences.
- • Having symptoms of withdrawal when you stop drinking for a short period.
Benefits of Virtual Addiction Counseling
Counseling can help you begin to manage your cravings, work toward sobriety and embrace a healthier lifestyle. With one of our addiction-informed therapists, you’ll learn how to work with your addiction rather than against it. Our goal is to help you become the healthiest version of yourself. This means developing strategies and skills that make it easier for you to live with an addiction and eventually overcome it.
To learn more or to schedule an appointment for virtual counseling in Black Hawk, CO, please contact Caring Heart Counseling today.

BY: admin
Counseling / Virtual Counseling
Individual Counseling in Black Hawk, Colorado
Individual Counseling in Black Hawk, Colorado
Are you looking for a therapist near you? Caring Heart Counseling offers individual counseling and virtual counseling to residents in Denver and its surrounding areas, including Black Hawk, Colorado. Going to therapy can be scary. Maybe people have told you that you need counseling for years, but you have always rejected the idea.
In some cases, going to therapy may feel like admitting or confirming there’s something wrong with you. But therapy is not a place for judgement or condemnation. There is nothing wrong with who you are, but you may have struggles and challenges that counseling can help you overcome.
What Does Individual Counseling Mean in Psychology?
There are many types of therapy that counselors can use to help their clients. When therapy is given on a one-on-one basis, it is known as individual counseling. Individual counseling is the framework for all other types of therapy to be delivered. Whether it’s cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), individual counseling allows you to speak openly about your feelings without feeling judged or ashamed.
In therapy, counselors are there only to hear what you’re going through. You don’t have to make excuses, rationalize your thoughts or convince yourself that it’s not that big of a deal. Whether you are wrestling with a mental illness, like a gambling addiction, or need help learning to cope with stress and anxiety, we’re here for you.
Reasons to See a Therapist
There are many life events that can cause you to feel like you are in over your head. Maybe you have faced the same unhealthy patterns for years, and you’re tired of asking, “Why me?” You could also find yourself in a new situation that makes you stressed, overwhelmed or even depressed. The reasons to talk to a therapist are infinite, but there are some specific reasons why you might decide to reach out.
- • Gain self-awareness
- • Build confidence
- • Heal from trauma or learn to let go of the past
- • Focus on yourself
- • Discover real ways to grow and change as a person
Everyone’s goals are unique, and part of a therapist’s job is helping you identify and set objectives for your sessions. Together, you can work toward achieving the results you need to start living a more fulfilling life.
Virtual Counseling in Black Hawk, CO
Caring Heart Counseling offers virtual counseling services to residents throughout Black Hawk. Using a confidential counseling platform, you can connect with a therapist through video chat. Together, we can set goals that align with your values to help you feel better and overcome any challenges you’re facing.
There are many reasons why you may opt for a virtual counseling session; sometimes, transportation isn’t readily available, and there may be struggles you want to remain private from family and friends. Addictions, such as gambling, drinking and drug use, may cause someone to feel too ashamed or embarrassed to seek help in person.
Whatever you are going through, we’re here to listen. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule an appointment.

BY: admin
Counseling / Virtual Counseling
The Best of Denver Individual Counseling in Conifer, Colorado
The Best of Denver Individual Counseling in Conifer, Colorado
Conifer might be a mountain town, but that doesn’t have to limit your options when it comes to therapy. Our virtual counseling services are accessible to anyone with a stable internet connection. For 17 years, Caring Heart Counseling has offered therapy to individuals, couples and families in and around Denver.
Individual counseling can help you become more mindful, self-aware and overall happier as a person. It is not our job or place to tell you how to live life better. You’ve already made it this far, which is evidence enough that you can take care of yourself. But what if you could find ways to overcome challenges more easily? This means reducing stress, working through loss or grief and finding relief from any mental illnesses or symptoms that might be affecting your quality of life.
What Individual Counseling Can Do for You
Whether you want to become more productive, treat depression or simply talk to someone about your feelings, we are here for you. Everyone has their own reasons for going to therapy, and we believe that every reason to reach out is the right one.
Counseling can help you with clinical mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and addiction. It can also be a way to work on personal struggles such as low self-esteem, chronic stress, insomnia and procrastination.
Talking to loved ones can be helpful, but you might not get the response you need to make positive changes to your life. Your counselor, on the other hand, is an unbiased third-party who is solely interested in helping you. They can apply an outsider’s perspective to help you recognize unhelpful thoughts and behaviors friends and family are prone to overlook.
You may have some idea that therapy is a place where you’ll be judged, but that isn’t so. When we explore a topic more in-depth, it’s always done together and only with your consent. Above all else, therapy at CHC is deeply compassionate, understanding and supportive.
Virtual Counseling in Conifer
We offer virtual counseling to anyone who wants to connect with a therapist from the comfort of home. Commuting to the office may not be practical or possible for you, but that’s okay. In some cases, virtual counseling is less intimidating than an in-person visit. You may decide to test the waters and give virtual counseling a shot before transitioning to sessions at the office.
One of the reasons virtual counseling is so valuable is that it meets you wherever you are. Using a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform, our counselors schedule a video conference at a time that works for you. Just like we do in the office, our sessions are structured around goals and helping you address specific topics or struggles you’re concerned with.
Virtual counseling can be just as effective as in-person therapy. What matters most is your willingness to try and the trust you have with your therapist. Our services are accessible to people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, cultural backgrounds and income levels. No matter where you are, where you’re from or what you may be dealing with, Caring Heart Counseling is here to support you.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact us at 720.314.7378, or click here to send us a message.

BY: admin
Virtual Counseling
Virtual Emotional Support Counseling for Seniors During Covid
Virtual Emotional Support Counseling for Seniors During Covid
Seniors are one of the most vulnerable groups impacted by COVID-19. Beyond the physical threat, there are serious emotional and mental consequences to quarantine and the pandemic that can negatively impact their health. Seniors who live in nursing homes or are unable to socialize or even leave their house to go about their normal routine.
We believe that there is no age when mental health doesn’t matter. Our virtual counseling services for seniors can provide much-needed support and company during a difficult time.
Risks to Senior Mental Health
The elderly population often experiences mental health problems due to changes in their physical health and environment. Many senior citizens who lived active lives have been confined to their nursing home facilities or homes without anyone to talk to; they are not able to receive as much exercise, mental stimulation or companionship as they were pre-COVID, which can lead to the development of depression and crippling loneliness.
Even those who have family nearby may not be able to see them face-to-face due to social distancing measures. While quarantine is in their best interest, it also places a barrier between them, their loved ones and the outside world.
Health anxiety is also a pressing concern; as many seniors 65 and older also have health conditions, they may be especially high-risk. Simple acts like taking the dog out or going to the supermarket can endanger them, which only leads to greater fear and chronic stress.
These compounded feelings can take a toll on their physical well-being, too. Poor mental health can weaken the immune system, which makes them even more susceptible to illness.
How Counseling Can Help
Virtual counseling provides mental health support at a safe distance. Seniors can connect with a licensed therapist who listens to their concerns and gives them space to process what they are going through. There is not always an answer to resolve someone’s difficult feelings; rather than striving to offer platitudes and false affirmations, we seek to provide reassurance through affirming one’s strength and resilience.
Seniors also have unique worries and needs that deserve to be treated with care and compassion. Our virtual counseling services encompass the unique challenges, anxieties and experiences of the senior population to ensure our services truly resonate with them.
Sometimes, all a senior citizen really needs is just someone to listen and talk to. We want to be there for them while also providing helpful tips they can implement to help themselves.
How You Can Help Your Loved One
Communicate as often as possible, especially if you are not able to physically see your loved one. You can offer to buy their groceries and leave them on their doorstep along with some disinfectant; drive-by greetings, social distance conversations with a mask and daily phone calls can help ease some of the loneliness seniors are facing during this time.
If you live with your senior relative or loved one, emotional support in the form of time spent together is the most valuable. Watch a television program they like, especially if it’s one from their youth that they enjoyed. Listen to their favorite music, do senior exercise videos together and share meals.
Most importantly, check in with how they’re feeling. Many seniors feel cast aside and ignored in today’s fast-paced, digital society. Counseling is just one way you can increase the emotional support in your loved one’s life, but the most valuable thing you can give them is your time and attention.
If you would like to learn more about us and our virtual emotional support counseling, please contact us today.